NUSWhispers – Confession #108726

Are Singaporean graduates too entitled? I've been interviewing several NUS undergrads. Many are asking for pay much above the median despite having zero experience. Everyone wants to WFH at least half or all the time. Want good work life balance and not be disturbed over evenings or weekends. This makes foreigners look much more attractive. I can get someone from ASEAN or further with 4-8 years of experience at the compensation of the median fresh graduate. They are willing to work much harder and don't job hop. I don't have to pay their CPF or worry about them going for reservist. The only reason I hire Singaporeans is to fulfill the quotas and to get EDB subsidies. Without those, I'll be blunt, Singaporeans are too overpaid and underqualified for every role. With the recent flex-work consideration rules, I further see no reason to get local workers if I have a choice. If you want to WFH, I might as well get someone else remotely at a cheaper rate.. Tell me fresh inexperienced graduates, what can you offer over the hungrier foreigners other than being a Singaporean?